

I am fettered.
Fettered by society.
I'm a woman whose future has already been decided.
These stereotypes are a burden I carry because of my gender.
And so now,
I must conform to what society dictates,
Because these manacles restrict my choices.

I am fettered.
Fettered by my past.
I'm a man who has made decisions he regrets.
And now there's no where to hide,
From the repercussions of my past actions.
I must live each day,
Penitent for my sins.

I am fettered.
Fettered by my duties.
The responsibilities my family expects me to perform,
Choke my dreams.
But I must yield to their expectations in order to make them proud.
And so slowly, ever so slowly,
These chains suffocate my dreams,
Till they become figments of a past desire.

© Ese-Ose