

The Game of Chess
Let the world be the checkered board of chess.
Two sides of which one side has the power and access.
While the other had nothing but to be part of the game like another pawn,
Never knowing that his pieces of the game will immediately be gone.

The powerful knew the moves of the game.
Their advantage of knowing the rules they made,
Made it easier for the weak to be played.
The more pieces you have on the board,
The more power you control; never having a concord.

The clueless have nothing but pawns to defend with.
Struggling hard to still be on the game.
But when the rules are made and set by the opponent,
The injustice of the setting will never be spoken.

Survival of the fittest...and the most powerful and greatest.
The strategy of building businesses and money, to conquer the king must first have to be claimed checkmate.
Every move the powerful makes,
That move is a strategy to eliminate.

A constant loop going on for years,
The inequality of treatment from the status you're placed.
Until the king has been said checkmate,
A new game of chess repeats with the same rules made.