

This little nerd makes me happy
Talking to him makes me happy
Making him happy makes me happy
Imma shout to the world,that I'm in love
He's that one person I wanna spend my life with
He's my best friend, my best lover,
Bright like the sun,
Dim like night,
He means the world to me.

We've come from far beiby,
And every passing minute brings me closer to you
Everytime I wish I was closeby instead of being miles away
To always wake up to your face always,
and to hold you in my my arms
and tell you how much I love you.

My love..
I wanna laugh and cry with him
I'll choose him over and over
And I'll carry him across the stary skies and to paradise,,
He belongs to me,
No he belongs with me,
Yesterday, today,tomorrow and forever,
Until my last breathe, I will forever love him,
He's my necessity.

So beiby,take my hand and call me close
We know that divided will fall
So together we stand.
© @nimo_jasmine