

Letter to my Love❤️
Silence has no words
When feelings are swords
Every breath is heavy
When the heart is in agony
I wanted you close last night
But you were far sleeping tight
So there is only silence
When my heart is mute
But remember
I can't stay away from you
I can't stop loving you
Because you are me
And I am you
Forgive my stupidity
for acting with immaturity
Because I am you
And you are me
My innocence to the new
Shall now be in matured view
Hurting you is never my intention
I expressed it in the wrong direction
But remember,
I always keep you close to my heart..
Because you are my soul..
Meaning of my Life..
My everything to aspire..
I love you so much
With every corner of my heart
Your Love
© Hana