

Only Herself
Inhibited by her,
Only herself.
A forest full of swamps and indescribable sadness.
Untouched by the sun,
Spent under the darkness
For a millenia, it seems.
Not even the moon showed it's face here.
This was her mind put into words,
But imagine them falling off your tongue like a thousand tons of pressure.
You wouldn't understand as she even struggles to comprehend,
Only herself.
She retreated into her skin long ago.
For as long as she doesn't shed the delusions like a shell,
She was safe.
In the waters of self denial,
Vulnerability was a disease.
That had peeled the flesh off her bones before,
But never again.
The recognition
When she felt the corners of her eyes turn into a river.
She never spoke of them,
Her feelings.
For when she did,
They would surely become a weapon.

Her world
Painted in black, absent of grey.
Like her mind, without the white.
She's too far gone now,
Possessed by the sadness of her past.

© Knh