

We Have No Time
Take my hand, let's walk along,
Take my hand and join the song.
You know the way, you know the rhyme,
Let's get going, there is no time.

If you want, we'd talk after the song.
I have things to tell, it has been long.
The evening arrives, waiting is crime,
Let's get going, there is no time.

May be you were right, I was wrong,
We'd talk about it after the song.
The moment is ripe, the company, prime.
Let's get going, there is no time.

There was a time when all day long,
We used to walk and sing the song.
Anyway, hope you remember the rhyme,
Let's get going, there is no time.


#trq #Love&love #Love&love💞 #Song #romance #relationships #rhymes