

Overstayed Welcome
You were like a second mother,
I was your mini me.
Born to your brother,
But I was yours by proxy.
It's too bad you live in a fabulous, fucked-up fantasy.
You were as enchanting as that white wooden archway,
Your thorns hidden behind crimson red roses,
Slithering like a snake you spewed nothing but hate.
I got older and no longer saw through rose colored glasses,
You gave me no choice but to become a verbal assassin.
Venom dripped from your lips,
You didn't like my defending honey badger hiss.
Everyone always said "like father, like daughter"
Headstrong and stubborn.
I knew what they meant,
But I always took it like a compliment,
I never saw the flaw in being a fighter.
You said blood is thicker than water,
At least it was, until you put me as the pig up for slaughter.
You showed your second face,
It was fate when the others found out you were fake and a flake.
I didn't do a damn thing wrong.
You just feel inferior around individuals you can't manipulate,
Or string along.
Contrary to what you may believe,
My heart is not permanently broken.
It might be a bit damaged but it's still golden,
Unlike yours, which is lost in time and frozen.


*First Draft*