

My little brother.
In the tapestry of life, a bond so true,
A brother's love, like morning dew.
In innocence and laughter, we find our way,
Through every dawn and dusk, come what may.

With mischief in his eyes, and laughter in his heart,
My little brother, a masterpiece of art.
In his smiles, the sun finds its shine,
In his embrace, all troubles resign.

Through childhood games and whispered dreams,
We paint our world with joyous gleams.
In his footsteps, I find my guide,
With him by my side, I'll safely glide.

Through tears and triumphs, we walk as one,
A journey of love, forever spun.
For in the heart of this bond so dear,
Lies a treasure beyond compare, crystal clear.

So here's to my brother, my comrade in arms,
With him, I weather all of life's storms.
For in his laughter and in his embrace,
I find the beauty of a cherished grace.


© boyon12