

The ramblings of a restless mind
It doesn't take strength, it takes skill,
for it is not in power, but in tact.

You cannot lead, if you don't first follow,
one cannot be the greatest, if he or she is not prepared to be the least.

To every action there is an equal reaction,
because every plus side has a definite minus.

Life must start and life must end,
but greed, strife, anger and selfishness, they never make great men.

Talent, you may have heard, is not nearly enough,
untended seeds will not grow well, no matter how well cultivated the farm.

Those whom you follow must be ones with a clear vision, is it not only in the land of the blind that a one eyed person leads?

You must know your direction if you ever expect to arrive, but if you don't take those steps you would never make progress.

Wisdom is the best gift, also the least appreciated,
because 'truth' is the eternal mirror, revealing man's depths to himself.

It is not good to walk alone, that is never the best plan, although two cannot walk together if they do not agree.

Life is a constant cycle of ups and downs and in-betweens, but if there must be progress then there must be change.

Evil is the way of the world, but it cannot persist forever, for someday a good one will arise and decide to do something.

Growth, we say is in the body, mind and spirit,
if you know enough to eat well, you should know enough to study as well.

Youth by nature is impetuous and impulsive,
but aligned with the wisdom of age, can achieve monumental feats.

Love, no matter how twisted, is still a spiritual virtue,
one may have all the affection, money and pleasures, and still feel totally empty.

Religion is said to be, the greatest cause of man's atrocities, that man has taken a tool for faith and turned it into a tool of fear.

Years spent running from the truth, sooner or later we must face it, that it is possible to gain the whole world and still have absolutely nothing.

A great family is a wonderful foundation, great friends are great source of blessing, but at a great one's funeral should be more tears of joy for their having lived.

There is a reason why it was commanded, love your God and love your neighbor, it is a guarantee of fullness of life on Earth and a joyful continuation in heaven.

A life of excellence has little to do with age,
Christ lived barely five decades, and yet you know his name.

No singular person is perfect, no singular human is complete, but you choose what to believe, you are responsible for your own joy.

Society may judge you, spit on you, laugh at you for being uncompromising, but be virtuous my lady and know this, that a mature man will respect your class and standards.

Faith, without love is an aimless cause, how can i claim love for God and yet despise my fellow man?

Reverence for age and honor to parents we must oblige faithfully, for the advice from an elder carries the weight of time, experience and wisdom.

Destiny is the story of growth, of becoming, of progress, but lost is the he or she who tries to find an end without first knowing the beginning.

Time, we discovered, is the most patient entity in the world, as the laws are definite, truth never expires and His word will never return to Him void!

It takes a drop to make an ocean and a seed to populate a field, so does it take a single mental process to heal the land or to break it's people.

It was true in the days of our fathers, it is it still true today; that ask, you will be given. Seek, you will find. And knock, a door shall be opened.

They have eyes but do not see. Ears, but do not hear,
for visions do not come from open eyes nor enlightenment from gathered sounds.

We never have enough and the reasons to complain are endless, but a person with knowledge has a clear advantage over one who remains ignorant.

The average person wants wealth, but has no consideration for wisdom. Alas! The lesson is clear, that wealth in all its forms cannot be gotten without wisdom.

A man who seeks the hand of a lady must fulfill the requirements, he must be mature enough to handle his affairs, and wise enough to take on the affairs of family.

Sad it is, that humans make the same old attempts with different expectations, because they throw away the lessons of age and history and disregard the words of wisdom.

We often confuse the reality behind the mystery of dreams, for they are nothing if not snippets of a possible future made manifest by our emotionalized thoughts.

Love is the spiritual balance that exists between two souls, and when a man finds his soul partner, he is said to have found a good thing indeed.

Music is one of the best mental stimulants, and a great song can reach depths of the soul like nothing else.

The lessons of faith are timeless and infinite,
and it is by the same that man has and continues to defy logic, reason and calculation.

Concerning marriage, we never ever really become ready, but with patience and love, anyone can grow into readiness.

To be continued..................