

Me and Math (Part 1)
Now, I sat with you
Trying to understand your problems
Just like always.. It's all about you.
Wishing you could solve them yourself,

Now I repeat the same workingout to make sure I'm correct
Wishing you could just talk to me and tell me my answer are correct

Now I'm standing trying to relax and flex
My fingers and chill my brain
Hoping to revive the answers somewhere deep in my brain

Now I finally found the answer
The solution to your freaking problem
Which I'm always the one to answer.
Why me... Why can't someone else

Now! What?... Oh no don't you dare..
Give me Algebra! can I rest my brain cells
Hey stop? This is not fare
Give it to my elder brother, who knows you more.

Oh... My goodness why making to thread
On water I'm human.. Not immortal
I'm dumb, I can't

I'm human.. I make mistakes I'm mortal!