

When I love that love becomes me.
With that love I build a bubble around thee.
Blinded by the love that surrounds me
So I let down the guard that protects thee
Now vurnable to the decite and lieing.
She creeps in with words of love and nurturing.
As the times pass I begin to open my eyes. Now I see through your perpetual lies.
That I have been the victim of the empty promises. Words said just to gain from my weaknesses.
We had plans to start a new life. I had plans to make u my wife.
You took advantage of my good soul. Now I'm alone and in my heart is a gaping hole.
I just wanted to say thank you for taking so good care of me. I just wish you would've just seen. That I love you unconditionally. I don't know why it hurts so bad, I guess it's cause of all the love I have.
My love is forever I've told u that before. Now I have to mend up my heart that you tore.
Please understand I'm only a man. And you will be loved till the day that I'm dead.
© Dusty Troutman