

Forest beauty
"In twilight's hush, where ancient trees preside,
A verdant realm, where nature's beauty resides,
The forest whispers secrets, wild and free,
A symphony of wonder, for you and me.

Tall trunks rise, like sentinels of old,
Their leafy canopies, a shimmering gold,
The rustling leaves, a gentle, soothing sound,
As forest creatures, in harmony, are found.

The forest floor, a carpet soft and green,
Invites the wanderer, to explore and be seen,
The scent of blooms, a fragrant, sweet delight,
Fills every breath, with pure, unbridled light.

In this wild sanctuary, I find my peace,
A sense of oneness, with nature's release,
The forest's beauty, a treasure to behold,
A gift of wonder, that never grows old "