

Only You
Everyone expects you to fail,
No one else expects nothing less,
With all their smiles you can tell,
They don't care for you regardless,
Of what they say to you there is always a way to tell,
When their sincerity starts to sound heartless,

You could feel the vibes when people don't want nothing around you,
It's okay there are not their to help you through,
Success doesn't happen with the people you have around you,
It doesn't matter where you stand the ball always falls on you,

I know it hurts that you are all alone,
Trust me when I say that it will take time to embrace it,
All that matters is that you learn to find your own sense of home,
No matter the pain you'll be facing,
You'll learn to have faith on hope,
Without feeling insecure that your full of mistakes in,
© J_C