

The day I met her,
Never thought that
the story would go that far.
Many flowers I saw
None of them like her.

She was the moon for me.
Her and other girls I see
I could see no similarity.
To make a good bond with her,
Was my ultimate desire.

Many voices I heard everyday
Only her one, made my day.
Her voice was like a music to me,
A melodious tune, that made me happy.

Too shy to hold my eyes on her.
Holding my eyes on her ,
Made my heartbeat faster.
Too shy to talk with her.
Talking with her,
Made my day happier.

Conversation with her,
made my heart melt.
The first love of my life, I felt.
No girls like her I could find,
She was unique, she was too kind.
Hearing her name, made me blushy,
May be ordinary for others,
but unique for me.

Desired to be her man
But couldn't,
May be an unlucky man.

© Raghav Medhi