


Made run for it. Running to the endless darkness in the safe huose van. Keeping up with my stamina.  Heard screaming and yelling behind me. Gasped me to have to go back. Crying for my name was the last I heard from them. With the sharpest whip ever. Swishing blood splatter. The sounds was like everywhere. Gunfire with the whip sounding like the smacks of the wind. I kept quiet to feeling the thundering footsteps coming in. It like multiple legs leaving holes marks on the floor. Moving so fast, it can't be outrun. Held my breathe to not gasp. How fast it got to the entrance where I was at! It watied there for a bit. Then went on it's way. I let out all air in one single breathe.  Jogged to the end of the path. Sat in the corner for the brick wall. Having second thoughts. Swipe up and down my arms and legs. Working up the heat for my body not to freeze. I felt portal come to where I rest. It was the hunter. Came out of it in a thunder clap. Wind gust of the street piles up in a cloud. I shoot at it with all I got. Bullets wasn't doing nothing but falling off it's body Just angered it more. Angle it's deadly stinger attack, called by the radio in the nick of time. Good job Anna," we got excellent footage of this." This heck of awesome!"  I closed an open my eyes staring at death.  Before it came down on me, sending me instantly dead. Can't imagine who I trade places with me. They don't have the reaction time to dodge it. And it should been me. They so unlucky...

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