

There is the planting of the seed. There is the germination phase. There is the breaking down of the seed to grow deep it's roots. There is the breakthrough of the stem out the ground, and all is just the beginning. A tip of the iceberg.

A seed that perseveres through all these processes may turn into a beautiful, strong, magnificent tree, but none of that happens without the seed first going underground to be broken down, and die.

Every season of your life will bring you a challenge of transformation, ask every tree that remains committed to these processes, it will tell you, better yet it will show you that it's problems did not end at ground level. Painful encounters of growth still continue.

Summer, autumn, winter, and spring amongst other things still come and challenge the tree because though the seed days of the tree may be over, the tree is still becoming, manifesting and living out it's purpose.

Someone once said, there are no shortcuts to a place worth going, and I agree.


Growing up, I have heard people when talking about this phenomenon. Never have I ever heard them speak of how painful it is. People always speak of it like it's only just a phase in one's life that is passing. So motivational in their speeches you'd think you are not, that you are not "being" at all, nor are you "coming." Certainly sometimes it feels like it.

Speeches so well written, so well spoken you'd think this phenomenon is easy, painless, brief, and/or optional.

Now grown, I realise, that hey :

Sometimes becoming is not nice. Is not easy, is not painless, or brief or optional, nor is it a once off occurrence that is always pretty or glamorous because sometimes becoming can be quite ugly like under there when a woman is giving birth becoming a mother, or messy like a construction site when all that mud and chaos becomes a house.

It is a part of a human experience , a painful one at it. We are all becoming, in fact we are constantly becoming. Shaping up into something or the other.

It's tricky too.

Because whether we choose to play an active or passive role in the process. Whether we are aware or we are not. We are becoming, full stop.

My spiritual mother in fact often says: we are "BUSY" becoming. Basically, meaning:

even when all we can ever do is to wake up and eat, sit down next to the house absorbing the sun from morning to noon to evening. Wake up the following day and do the very same thing over and over again for years faithfully following each other without having any intentions whatsoever, or any plan or ambition of ever becoming anything else but umalal'avuke: you would still be busy becoming, the difference is: you'd be busy becoming nothing but umala'avuke agqib'ukutya and I know just how that feels because I've been both: "umalal'avuke, agqib'ukutya."

You'd be busy becoming old, irrelevant, potential unrealized, gifts and talents wasted, you'd be busy becoming un_accomplished, life passing you by. You would be busy deteriorating, and that would be just unfortune. Just as, it always is when we become passive participants in the processes of our lives.

My advice: Become something worth becoming. Stir yourself into a place where you constantly becoming the best versions of yourself. Versions that you'd be proud of having became.

But, know this we are never done! After the ground there is always some places else to breakthrough out of or to break into!

The good news is, you are well able!

_ We are all seeds to be planted.
_ Other however, remain just but that: seeds, who will never discover their greatest potential because they reject the ground. (Biggest mistake ever because as it is the only way up is down.) The scriptures put it like this "Humble yourself and I will lift you up."

_ We are all seeds to be planted.
However, others, though planted only die on the ground without a chance of ever shooting up to unleash their potential because they get into the ground and think they have made it and yet the final destination is not the ground, the final destination is out, up from the ground, and ultimately the reproduction of many other seeds.

_ We are all seeds to be planted, but others, make it out from the ground and remain complacent, thinking the goal was just to break out from the ground. They also miss reaching for the sky and as a result, they are never remembered because who remembers mediocre.

_ We are all seeds to be planted. Jesus Christ : He knew that His fight will not end on the ground. He had to break out of it, and aim for the glory of His skies. As a result, he left having produced many other seeds. We still remember Him, even today. Let Him be your example.

This is my attempt to say to you : Don't lose the fight thinking you are just a seed : You are more, and you are meant for more. BECOME everything you were meant to become!

Don't reject going to your ground, but also don't refuse breaking out of it. Instead come out like a volcano and reach for the glory of your skies.

Because again: you are well able.


© Ludia M