

Hey Lucy
The atmosphere and the air changes it’s like a storm brewing demons coming out of the shadows,
looking back, screaming, crying and running for my life.
Crazy how all this is the result of a sentence
imagine your life turning around just cause of one sentence,
I want it all to end clinging to my dress with my mouth agap.
what did i ever do to make it this bad?
I’m just a child with wishful thinking
you should at least take pity on me I didn’t know what I was doing.
Do you actually have to drag me to the depth of hell? I was just kidding, I know I fucked up.
The ground beneath me disappears and i get sucked in, this is so messed up.
Time to meet him I suppose, walking down into the darkness I guess I’ve learnt my lesson; “I won’t wish to meet the devil” in my next lifetime if I survive this.
© I’m_a_girl