

The heart of Heart's.
A rare piece of heart that sings,
Blend of musical words of emotions
As a gemstone in the hard shell,
Have varied colours awesome;
Music of the heart sings
In varied tune and sound
Joy and delight;
Pain,distress and anger;
Sometimes,shy,giggle, smile or laugh,
In joy and delight;
At times,pant,weep or cry
Out of frustration or bitter pains;
Always walk hand in hand with time and tales;
With much time spent and energy exhausted;
That's the heart-gem precious,
Only one in possession of emotions profound,
Owned words and letters
To express in length and breadth;
Like the precious shell-hidden in a tiny heart;
Resemble gardener of the queen of flowers,
That spread out its petals to the eyes,
Then, bottled up its sweet perfume
And make life soothing and fresh;
Hidden gems of heart is the same,
Make exit when full to the brim;
Sing to the world unknown;
interact with heart millions,
Who in the same mood sing with,
With mingled tears from the heart;
The golden lines of writer,

© Elizabeth