

The Real Reason
Sometimes I write just out of spite, sometimes to pass on insight, occasionally I'll share something I fear, losing a loved one or a friend I hold dear, I've written about metaphorically killing and fighting, I've even written about decisions I'm still deciding but the main reason I write just isn't exciting but really there's no reason for me to keep hiding, I write because I'm hurt, cut more than skin deep and because of the pain I act like a jerk, an asshole, a smart ass, a creep, when I'm being mean or talking obscene it's because I live in a nightmare non fiction no dream, it's all I can do to not totally scream, if this was your scheme complete control if your number one goal was to destroy every ounce of my everlasting soul than touchdown, you cut my life vest knocked the air out my chest and left me head underwater to drown, like a sad clown with a painted on frown I gave you my heart and you threw it down on the ground, the dirty ass floor and declared you were my girl no more, no longer my lover, your emotions had changed and you fell for another, you were my wife and our children's mother and because of your feelings I have to suffer, then you tell everyone how I threw you out, when everyone we know knew how I felt, they had doubt in the truth of what you talked about, and I couldn't conceive how you thought they would believe your attempts to deceive what in the world did you hope to achieve, yet you left something shining in the dark a small silver lining, determination for me to carry on rhyming, and gave me momentum like waves to the shore with fresh motivation to keep writing these poems I adore and thanks to you I truly pour in more heart than ever before.

© Xplicit Kontent