

Hi, I asked my heart yesterday
I asked her even today,
I asked her if she remembers you
She said—"Yes, I do."

Hi. You see she still remember you
Not in a way that she crave by you,
She does but not a way you might think
She lose it all when she's with you can't even blink.

She still remembers you but she didn't crave for you
She didn't beat anymore the way she used to before like she used to,
She won't beat when your name passes by
She doesn't cling to like like flies.

Hi, yes I accepted your presence
I accepted your absence,
Today, I asked her again
—"Are you okay after all the pain?"

She said—"Hi, yes I am okay don't want for his return."
That day I realized you didn't deserve me when you already make my heart thorn,
I accepted and my heart always do
She didn't crave anymore by you.

© Skyler