

My wish
If only wishes can come true,
I have one or two or maybe a few,
And they're all about you,

Yes! I have wishes I hope that they become true!
I wish I can turn the hands of time and create more time to be with you
love you more,care more and be better than I was,

I had wishes to see you again and we live like you had never left..
To eat your delicious meals,listen to your stories and hug you night before going to bed,

I wish I will always wake up in the morning and go straight yo your room and see you to tell you good morning

Waking up to hear your voice all over the house and your usual scolding when we go wrong.

I truly have wishes which I want to become reality and they are all about you my ever loving mum..

The thought that you are no more and gone forever breaks my heart and pains me whenever I think of you,

Oh how I wish you never died! how I wish you are alive and with us!

I miss you my beautiful Gem and loving mum.

I wish I could reach out to God and tell him to just bring you back to stay a little longer..
to give you all my love and care as a loving daughter...

You truly deserve to live and reap the fruits of your labour

To see all your kids grow and give you your grand kids that you have always wanted..

Oh how I wish death never existed..

My heart breaks and I can only wish.

Rest on mum, till we meet to part no more.