

If Psalms speaks to you as it does to me
When should we only take action when it's consequences are immediate. Express your thoughts with a poem.
They are much better. and somewhat also sound like a well written song, its seems a little crazy to feel like you do right now, yet imagine when your gone and dead,laying in your grave awaiting
the trial of truths you must first take on
omungst yourself is how you'll play the
rest of the way, I. pray for your soul today,as of I hope you find comfort
somewhere throughout your day to come & the rest that follow along,
for if you are now the leader& the teacher, we will just might see life
the whole way through this life on earth
until he comes back for us all & even some of us yet to fall with the imagine of gloom thinking purgatory is your true being and they're is where you
must stay for just a little more time till it starts to take back control of the mind
you've thought was dead and gone
oh but look hear a piece still remains will it be now they are able to maintain
a good role instead of dancing in pitch black with gold along its path the
light hits you what happens next
your eyes are open wide as can be
so the truth you may be able to clearly
see through it all as the light hits something shiny and brightens
the pathway within sight go the narrow not the wide, and learn to discern those you must learn, God
is our teacher and saviour in full armor
of silver and gold long the way
this is your path so take its yellow
brick road along the way if you see our friends tin man, tiger,&and even scarecrow to make sure you
tell them Jim MY is walking
her brick road through
and through,& do me a favor please if you could along the way as well as said earlier this for you to deliver unto
someone else in the middle please switch the scene to the labrynth or maze
either or both its not for me to
make the decision its up to you
but make sure David Howie is still
the goblin king ill meet that day
along my way with those tight white pants and makeup on his most gorgeous face shoulda knew right then he wasn't
Heaven sent but He'll bound, its your choice either way it'll end , just make the right choices between dancing with David Howie in scenes you've only dreamt before long,just imagine how much tougher the choice you have to make is gonna be in the end, which true life movie are you living in? & what's the roles reversed to u along the way through that is to think of when its brought up and dead in your face, the decision is best if carefully thought through before made at hand
but I bet they'll both be still with me
in my version of the end
my mind sometimes before thinking one thing all the way through likes to sneak a peek of another series ahead or 2 so keep an eye out for any clue, if you get lost take a moment to pray
the way will be revieled another door to opens moments soon! and don't forget
that there's openings along the way that are invisible to try and throw you out the way light your candle to discern the way!

© Kimmy Bain