

woman a thousand words
She tried hard but could not do it
she pushed hard but could not make it
but then she determined,
she won't be there for long
and that determination made her strong
she opened her legs and wings
when she could sense
that she broke the hard shell and the fence
she had been trapped into for years and years now

Then she stood up to pose the world
she is a woman who arose to show the world
that she does matter
she is not a statute or an attraction
just to see
she is the actual reason because of whom is me

She plays many parts
but never gets tired
she is like an employee
who never gets retired

She comes to the world as a little child
soft , lovable and mild
she loves her father and her mum
as they fall at her smiles sum
then she goes to her brother
who teases her , who beats her
and says he hates her
but to his feeling his heart calls
and says"he will keep his sister
like his dolls"

Then pass many relationships
and between them all
she leaves her house and goes to a world
which is not known at all
she leaves her family,her Papa,her mama
all relations are gone
and followes a stranger untill
her funeral mourn
to her now her husband is her everything
he is her God and she belongs to him
but still the WhatsApp and Facebook jokes consider her a meme
they do not realize that
she gave her all just for a man
and has bore so much
a man never can

Then the most important phase
a mother
a woman carries her child
in her woumb for nine months
but in her heart forever
so she gave birth to a child
and happiness didn't remain the same
and although she had all the pain
the child was given his father's name

She made her children capable
of standing on their feet
she did the work of everything
a guide, a mentor, a teacher
untill she did greet
her death with happiness

She in her whole lifetime
told a lot of words
people say that
a "woman" can not stand without a"man"
a "she"cannot stand without a "he"
and and a "female" cannot stand without a "male"
but they never say
that a man could not stand without a mother who is a woman
they don't realise that "man" comes under "woman"
a "he" comes under "she"
and a "male" comes under "female"

A woman does not speak a lot throughout her life
but the word woman says a lot
a woman should be worshipped
a woman should be obeyed
a woman should be equal to man
a woman should be answered
because awoman is not
a name or word
she is the whole world
she is the arrow and the shield
she is the water and the field

A woman is not a woman in words
she is more than a man
when she stands alone between the swords