

The Rain.
The rain, the tears that the cloud pours out.
Water droplets that fall on the earth.
The rain, a symbol of birth and rebirth.
A source used to wash away original sin.
The rain is the promise given to man.
The water for seasons, to grow the seeds planted.
The early rain and the latter rain, for growth of grains and wine and oil.
The rain, a symbol of creation, a reflection of love.

Rain, good luck and eternal peace.
A sign that all pain and sadness may be washed away.
A symbol of a new chapter, a new beginning in life.
Let the rain fall to bring happiness and joy and love and warmth.

The flies and the camels smell the rain.
Even we humans can perceive the sweetness.

Atimes, a sunshower occurs, the sun and the rain, reigning in synergy.
It's the beauty, the everlasting beauty, that keeps me going.
Rainfall on the wedding day, a symbol of everlasting love.
Rainfall, a distinct sign of fertility.

The rain, this beautiful existence, sometimes is scarce.
A symbol of punishment when The Creator is angry with His Creations.
Atimes, the rain, is plentiful and floods the earth.
A symbol of the anger of The Creator.
But a promise has been made:
Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life.

And the promise was made, and the promise is kept.

© Haiza.