

The Singing Rooster
The trinkling of light that comes in the earliest moments of the sunrise, emanated it's wisps.

Most are asleep and do not witness this phenomenon, but others that greet it daily.

He was different than those of his kind which caused bouts of love and hate alike, from his interactions among others.

Only wanting to fit in, his early experiences led him to bizarre and disturbing events that forced his perception of life and his surroundings into a deep understanding of the intent of others around him.

He "knew" them...

Understanding pain and heartbreak, fully, after knowing true love can be difficult for most. It can leave permanent scars.
Though he was one that could easily see things correct for the way they were, and not hold on to the negative feelings or thoughts of wishful thinking of the past.

The music in him flows smoother when he finds himself in difficult situations. With so much to offer the world, with his mind, body and soul so full of love and understanding, he naturally became more silent as he grew wiser.

He began channeling more of his mental energy into his art and music lyrics, rather than trying to offer day to day input with others and their thoughts. Not reclusing, but also not revealing his viewpoint open or freely anymore.

This is when the connection of heart mindedness became his primary mode of operation. He finally owned all of himself for the first time.

All the outside impressions became void and his creative sovereignty flew free with untapped amounts of inspiration.


© true lionsound ent