

mind of a sociopath
They are soulless
They are cold
They seem harmless
Seem to have a charm
Seem relatable
Seems friendly
But if you let your guard down for one sec
You will regret you decision
That you can no longer come back from
Because it’s just the beginning
It happens over and over again
You must exterminate
Take warning signs
You must outsmart
Because in reality the weak & vulnerable one is them not you
They are just insecure no lifes who take advantage of the people that can’t speak up for themselves
They shall get their karma
Because they will
They always will
They will regret the pain they put you through
But until then live your life do whatever makes you happy don’t let them ruin your fun
Have fun that’s their kryptonite
They are sadistic
So at the end of the day
So Enjoy yourself

© mannysaunders