

Seabed Sky
There are hundreds of thoughts surging like waves, fierce with pride, ready to attack in a battle.
I stand by
the shore waiting,
bracing myself for
the waves to come
hurtling down like sea of arrows,
drown me, carry me
inside its massive uncertainty.

There are hundreds of thoughts swirling inside my head
as I stand atop a cliff
hands on each sides,
eyes that dart below
thousands fathom deep,
inhaling the saltine filled air.

I want to fall.
Deeper into the vastness of
the Whats and the Coulds.
Spread my arms
I want to drown, I want to fly.
I want to taste the last of my oxygen, the promise of
succulence and fullfilment.
I want to unfasten myself.
I want to end.

—Pender, Olive