

The Old Abandoned House...
The old abandoned house at the outskirts,
it's huge but it feels lifeless .

it's a building ,
which once was home to many families.
it's broken now
but what it preserves are,

the silence in its backyard
the shattered door at its entrance,
the broken fence which encircles it,
all are eagerly waiting for a new bliss to surround it,
waiting for the arrival of a new life to revive it..

it has seen a lot ..
it has felt a lot ..
and more than memories what it preserves is ,
the pain of abandonment ..

Yes, the old abandoned house
the one which is big,
which once was beautiful ... for families to stay there
but now what it preserves is ,
darkness in its main hall...
the staircase which once led to the kid's joy
what it preserves is ,
that it has become old and wobly.

the walls are broken ..
the house is in grief..
what it needs is ,
arrival of a new joy which just vanish all the pain it preserves,
which just heal all those wounds,
it got in these years of abandonment and lifelessness...

© Asha