

Winds Of The Nun
Oh, the Northern winds of the Nun River,
How they dance and how they quiver,
Through the trees and over the hills,
Their icy breath, it gives me chills.

They whisper secrets in my ear,
Of distant lands and ancient fear,
Of tales untold and mysteries deep,
That in my heart, forever keep.

The Northern winds of the Nun River,
They carry with them a certain shiver,
A reminder of the power of nature,
And the beauty of its every feature.

So let them blow and let them howl,
Let them sing and let them prowl,
For in their wild and untamed way,
They bring us closer to the day.

The day when we will all be free,
To dance with the Northern winds of the Nun River,
And let them carry us away,
To a place where we can forever stay.

© Sen.Gibson 🕴️