

A Journey To The Soul
In the hush of twilight's gentle sigh,
Where whispers weave 'neath starlit sky,
There lies a path, unseen, unknown,
A journey to the soul, to call one's own.

Through valleys deep and mountains high,
Where shadows dance 'neath moonlit sky,
The pilgrim wanders, heart laid bare,
Seeking solace, finding care.

Each step a verse, each breath a rhyme,
As melodies of time entwine,
The journey unfolds, a tapestry rare,
Woven with dreams and silent prayer.

Through fields of gold and rivers wide,
Where secrets dwell and truths abide,
The traveller roams, both near and far,
Guided by the light of a distant star.

Through laughter's echo, tears' embrace,
In every sorrow, every grace,
The soul awakens, free to soar,
In the boundless realm forevermore.

For in the depths where shadows lie,
There shines a beacon, bright and high,
A flame of hope, a guiding light,
Leading the wanderer through the night.

And when at last the journey's end,
And weary feet on earth descend,
The soul, reborn, forever whole,
Embraces love, the ultimate goal.

So let us tread this path untold,
With courage, faith, and love to hold,
For in the journey to the soul we find,
The essence of life, the ties that bind.

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