

A message
Childhood is a wonderful stage when we make a long lasting friends
Some of our best friends are from school
We cannot imagine a life without friends , friendship helps us to grow ,
since they also go through what we do
" As we grow we see changes in ourselves ,
These changes are pyshical , mental , emotional and moral , Most often elder scold us : ,We are confused , when we behave like adults, we are told not to do so since we are kids
Of course ,, when we behave as kids we are told to grow up !
Friends understand us
But we young adult can also la nd in trouble because of friends!
it's like the blind leading the blind!Both will fall into ditch .
though it seems safe to seek guidance from friends,
it is actually dangerous, kid s refuse to go to adults and adults do want kids to form gangs and group,since one rotten Apple can spoil the rest.
It can , however,be argued that peer pressure is bad ,but without support, children will feel lost and confused and think that only they are facing the problems.
They don't want to go family reunion,
They don't want to be advised by parents and grandparents
They do not like to be told that their friends are leading them astray .
But adults should also know that children need to feel that they belong to clique or group.
It's makes them feel safe and it gives them identity

© Deepshi...