

Mr. Minkle (A poem for kids) 😊🐈
Look at his face,
He has many things to speak,
If you want to know the story;
Look deep into his eyes.

Last night,
Mr Minkle had a fight
With the neighbour cat
To catch some rats.

He got injured,
He got defeated,
He lost the battle.
He lost his honour.
To console his soul,
He returned to the nature.

The night passed,
Now it's morning,
I missed my cat for cuddling.
I searched him everywhere,
But...he was nowhere to be found,
Then in the garden,
I heard a sound.

Oh, here is Mr Minkle
On mother nature's lap!
To get rid of the tensions,
He is taking a nap.

© Archana Maharana (Lucky)

(Hello ! Meet my cat Mr. Minkle (Minki) ❤🐈.
