

I Know You..
Someone help me please
My mind is malfunctioning
Do I call a mechanic
For a jump
Or a call girl for a hump
Someone help please
Something is not right
Should I ask my Pastor
Should I ask my Mother
I've already consulted myself
Someone help please
Something has gone terribly wrong
Is it a lapse in my mind
Certainly something is seriously wrong
A voice in my head whispered
You know me
I've been with you
Since the beginning
But no one can help us
We're on our own
The problem is in our mind
Let's concentrate harder and decide
What we want to do
Not for others
But just for ourselves
Let's put us first
Shut everyone out
Until we've accomplished our goals
At least one of them
Let's keep our distance
From negative people
You know the one's
That criticize for no reason
And look at us like we're a pair of
old shoes
Bury the negativity
Let's concentrate on us living
Let's remember why we're doing it
I don't know about you
I'm starting over anew
Someone help please
Or leave me the hell alone.