

A wild thing they say could never be sorry for itself
Honestly love makes the wild thing become sober
He will fight and threaten his fellow men
He will frown and wrestle with his colleagues
But in the hands of a woman he is like a child
He is autocratic
He always want to assume the lead role
And wish not to be controlled
In the arms of a woman he stoops low
When his weaknesses are exposed in the presence of his subordinates
He will explore all means to cover up with trickery and knowledge
He is so fearsome that you could never look at him twice
When the love of his life will stare and caress his face until she is tired
He is so proud and do not want any man to hurt his pride
But he will smile and laugh in the company of his wife
He never shares his secrets with anyone
Except when his head is on the laps of his chosen one
He is never intrigued with any activity performed by others outside
But he will do anything to make his wife happy at home
He is so weird and wild
And so fierce that nobody will like
He is so calm and moody
And so obstinate that nobody will love
All these characteristics ends with the touch from his woman
The love of a weird man is really weird