

The Fool
Today, I feel like crap,
So let's do something rare,
Part poem, part rant, some rap,
Let's see how this fare..

I'm a bad person,
I know that, I'm ashamed of it, I admit that,
But I want to be a better person,
Can't expect me to change by the drop of a hat..

Goddamn, I know I'm poor,
But I'm trying hard here,
Goddamn, I know I'm ugly,
But there's nothing I could do here...

There's no need to remind me,
Ye bastards, the lot of you,
I know who I am, I know me,
I scrape by for the lot of you..

All of you said I was your friend,
Yet you lot spit at me from behind,
You scheme and slander someone you call friend?
Like a fool I said it was okay in my mind..

What a bloody fool I am,
What a bloody idiot I am,
What a bloody moron I am,
What a bloody naive I am..

What a bloody fool..
What a bloody fool...

© Syah