

Dying To Survive

The audacity that we have, to step out into their light
Like who do we really think we are?
When they see us, you know they'll want to fight
But the truth is, we are used to these scars.
It's been a long time coming yet we are still far,
Four hundred plus years later,
Our ancestors fought the fights that we are fighting but still
No justice, no peace, no favors.
Guns drawn on us just because we are black,
Then they will turn and say 'all lives matter'
No they don't! Who are you really feeding those lies to?
'Cause all I'm seeing is racial attack.
But our color is what scares you? Fine! Take it away.
Take your color away too and see that we are the same
The only difference is you were not, are not enslaved
So you do not feel our daily pain.
We are tired of being oppressed,
depressed in this mindset that you have continuously made us digest.
Knees on our necks for false checks and less
While you, the majority have your peaceful rests.
Children being asked, "What do you want to be when you grow up?"
Their answer is "Alive!"
So tell me, when will we as a people show up?
Because right now, we are dying to survive.

This is for;
George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery,
Tamir Rice, Sandra Bland,
Eric Garner, Trayvon Martin
and many, many, many others!

#vote #peace #love #respect #blackandproud #voice #silenceisviolence


© Enrico Suave