

She got flaws, yes, she got so much flaws that only her can see.
Who she be?
She's just a girl standing in front of a mirror looking at how much acne she has on her forehead, trying to wipe off the scruff on her face, for she see's flaws.

She knows not to walk .Slumped shoulders, face in-between, thats all she ever wants and to do.Shy. She is so shy to face the reality that she doesn't fit where she goes.

I always liked to look at her,blinded by the peers who are all westernized for her to see she got what it takes to hit them all down.

She got flaws, yes, she got so much flaws. she has been induced to a new face of primer, concealer, foundation not to forget, higlights on her nose and cheeks . Flaws.

She is low esteemed to see that, they all stared and crowded in gossip to say how beautiful she were, not to wear masked faces full of a culture she understands not.Beautifully ugly.

She is so beautiful to see that, the sagging jeans and overdressed tops suited her to the small skiny leggings that show of her womanhood, that includes the long athletic legs , long neck, fake C-cups she see not. She is flawed.

She got trouble holding her atheletic physique plastered to add more meat that sags and sucks to itch all her body.She forgets that they loved how good she looked and now has to wear outfit that she can only afford to look them on the Chill . she lack dignity.

She got no sense of taste.She wants to be socially significant to match her peers, she got so much at hand that only her can stop.

She looks at the mirror, tears drawing her perfect crystal blue eyes,that sparkle when she sees how backward she is. She cries, not tears of joy, she hold them rocks on her small thin palms that only her feel the good In them.Rocks that broke her life.long before.


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