

Premium Books
To like someone is,
Buying a premium collection book,
There are many customers for that,
Some will warn you to stay back,
Some will step back and give way,
Some are too possisive to read it,
Some are too temporary to want it,
Some want to seize it,
Some want to earn it,
But in all this you too want it,
After to know this all, still you want it,
It concludes you're seriously for it,
Still it's premium!
But you're too fearless to get hurt,
You will get it then,
That book will be in your life,
Try harder every time,
If you stop trying you will loose it!

Remember after getting it,
After reading it till middle,
Don't get bored easily,
There's always next part to it,
If you feel like it's boring,
Remind how hard you came to read it,
And yes! you can't remember whole at once,
You have to revise it again and again.
And in all this if someone is reading you,
Don't forget that you're premium too!

© Agrawal