

the resistance
I received a good education and went to ghetto schools, I took the opportunity to circumvent the rules, I worked my way through junior college and received my degree, from there I got a job then started my own company, in between all these things I had some ups and down, but none of my hardships came because my skin is brown, every time things went wrong it was by my own choice, although I know the struggle is real I'm careful how I use my voice, if I don't agree with the senseless killing of blacks I shouldn't kill myself, by using drugs knowing that it's detrimental to my health, if I don't like the degradation of women and fight for things to switch, never should I ever find myself using the word bitch, all of the reasons to protest so many battles to fight, half of the people protesting aren't living right, for everything you see wrong and me I can find two more in you, maybe we should stop protesting and start living in our truth, I am a successful black man who has also been to jail, I was also born in the ghetto but I refuse to fail, so no I will not join the fight to continue government assistance, instead I choose to fight against ignorance I invite you to join the resistance.

written by Orpheus the breath of Life
AKA Donte L. Paxton Sr
© Orpheus The Breathe Of Life