

In the quiet hush of twilight’s embrace,
Where shadows dance in delicate grace,
Whispers of night weave stories untold,
Of dreams and wonders, both young and old.
The moon rises high, a guardian’s light,
Casting its glow on the fabric of night.
Stars like whispers in a lover’s ear,
Paint the heavens, crystal clear.
Each star a secret, a wish set free,
Glimmering hope in the vast galaxy.
They shimmer and twinkle, a cosmic choir,
Kindling the soul with celestial fire.
Oceans of midnight, deep and wide,
Reflect the cosmos in a shimmering tide.
Waves whisper secrets to the shore,
Tales of sailors and legends of yore.
The breeze carries the scent of pine,
Intertwined with moon’s sweet wine.
Leaves rustle softly, a lullaby’s hymn,
Guiding dreams on a silver limb.
Mountains stand silent, ancient and wise,
Their peaks piercing through velvet skies.
They hold the earth in a tender embrace,
Guardians of time, in their solemn grace.
In this serene, enchanted night,
Hearts beat with quiet delight.
For in the echo of the stars’ gentle gleam,
Lies the essence of every dream.
So, close your eyes and breathe the air,
Feel the magic that lingers there.
For in the night’s soft, tender kiss,
Lives the promise of infinite bliss.