

Meeting Conscious Souls: Aspiring for Connections that Awaken Your True Self.
Have you asked yourself this question? Even after achieving a lot, your inner core always strives to get more or to experience more. It means that if you are made to be the King or Queen of this world, you will always find yourself in pursuit of something more, and this something more never ends because, consciously or unconsciously, you are striving for that which is infinite.

We need to understand that no matter how great you may be, you are still bound by the physical limitations of this material world. The dominance of ignorance doesn’t allow you to see that, and this lack of perspective is the reason behind all the disappointments and unfulfillments you are made to feel.

We often tend to come across many enlightened souls, yet there is one that makes you undo your true potential as per your karmic account. Unlike them, they are very rare to encounter, but you get to meet them if you have a decent amount of spiritual experience.

We should never forget that all individuals have flaws, and enlightened ones are no different. Expecting unrealistic traits creates suffering. We need to understand that even the avatars that come with extra-ordinary capabilities are too constrained by the illusion and the limitations of Maya.

So, whenever you meet souls who you think have healed or awakened you, you should be aware that these are partly enlightened souls who are here to help you start your journey towards the infinite. I have consciously used the word partly enlightened...