

Walking-The A Sides
Gather around the stage
the seats are open
while the auditorium is empty
With everything technology based
do you need a screen to see me
or would you like to sit front row
and view me as an entity
instead of an avatar
a dedicated character manifesting only one aspect of my personality
turned up to an 11
but turn me down to a 6
I don't need that much praise
I am who I am
and admittingly, when it comes to this writing thing
I'm ok at best
though I crave this more than anything else
yet my desperate shout of humbleness and bumblebees
let me really get down to the meat
of why I gathered a sea of empty chairs
It's been a habit of mine
to recreate bears out of all my problems
to get the ferocious masses out of my chest
that are feasting on the fish in my bloodstream
no matter what it may be
I don't know if you, my confidants
are sick of it yet
so here I will try some experiments
finding some positives in my routine
while combining it with the negatives
that threaten to bludgeon me with a shovel next to a swing
Can't swing life away if I'm buried underneath the gravel
but that's enough of grim fatality syndrome
time to start the show....
Of all the topics to start out
I chose the most mundane of all things
something I do every day
without missing a beat
without having to think
Why did I choose this
because days ago when this started
I discovered the idea and words followed after
now present day, no gifts present
neither is the treasure I uncovered
so I'm back to digging in this scavenger hunt
coming up empty except some rambling
so I'll start with this sentence and see where the flow takes me:
Walking is better than you think
I'm not talking about through the hallways and corridors
not on tile floors or brisk runways
Have you taken a walk on a calm Sunday
only you and the pavement
only you and the mini earthquakes your shoes make
taking in the sights, inviting in the sun and the world
like an oyster to a pearl
feeling calm, sweet serenity
singing to the clouds
"thank you for greeting me"
Yes, don't you fret
I can hear you in the background
the heckler having fun now
saying cars are faster with cold air or heat
but cars drain your cash with maintenance and gas
polluting the airways
while my footsteps only allow me to cruise at my own pace
never having to worry about traffic
if I'm going too fast
I don't commend nor recommend
but my J's crash the pavement like a basketball court
when there's a spacious street
like shooting a three in the corner pocket
like a firework rocket trying to break free
What was supposed to be
short and sweet
has been a rough draft for a week
while other works are rumbling between my ears
yet I must finish this piece before I shift gears
Although I have a love/hate relationship with thinking
Walking without saying anything
headphones blaring
while my brain is on cruise control
singing along to the songs without feeling like uttering a single word or verb
peace within silence
viewing my old friend in the sky
like an older brother watching out for his younger sibling
the moon hanging high in the pale blue sky
makes me feel like everything will be alright
to be on my feet and moving
to explore the air
instead of the mugginess that enslaves the indoors
complete sanctuary
The cotton candy clouds earn my jealousy
like almost everything these days
by simply floating in space
only carried by the winds and axis
rotation and circumference of the planet we stand on
as I watch from the sidewalks below on my way home
lost in my own world
belting out notes I can't hit
forgetting I make a sound
that I exist where I place my feet
forgetting that even with headphones on
I'm not invisible, I'm audible
and now I'm audibly tired
visibly over this Thursday
even though it's been an alright day
Walking doesn't care if I'm peppy or depressed
it's always there for me
it's my crutch to stand on
I'd fall on my face if it weren't there
I have nowhere to go but walking gives me purpose
gives me comfort
I know it's an action
I know what it truly is
not a person
but isn't it comfortable
to be happy and belong
one can only hope
© Crowthepoet