

The Inevitable
Now that I see.
It's too much to be free.
What do I do?
Grab my knees or let them bleed?
Or just like a bird with it's wings.
Should I fly higher
Higher above the trees?
Cast my feathers in the way of my eyes.
Bow my head down let the ray of sun shine.
Beneath my vision that has turned me blind.
Or should i let the rain wash up the disgust?
Let the threes cover my sight?..
The grass cover the blood?
Watch the storm form and thunder crack up in the sky?
Should I just let the clouds clear my mind.
Now that I made my way here.
How do I live among and learn with.
Without being adhere.
Can I ignore all the truths.
Turn blind to the fifth.
Curve my body away from the dust.
Create my life at last.

© laduza