

Six months.
It's been six months since you left me
yet today I stared at my mirror
begging myself to stay strong
but I cried

I saw those tears
fall down my cheeks
yet my face was straight
because you cannot know I'm weak

Scrolling through Pinterest
looking at sad quotes
realising that , I am not alone
yet, I wish I was

Because if there are that many people
Suffering from the pain , that you gave me
I wish I could bear their pain
And give them the love they deserve

You shredded my heart
yet I loved you with all the torn pieces
Later realising that it wasn't my heart that you wanted
It was my body

I've told myself a million times
and other people too
That I've moved on from
my last relationship , from you!

Yet even today , when I stand under my shower
I cry my heart out , just thinking
Thinking that if you just as much as tried
Life would be so much worse!

Because I don't wanna be with a guy
who TRIES to love me for my body
I'd prefer you broke my heart now
Than a life wasted on you later...!

© HennaG

One of the biggest reasons why I love writing , is because it helps me remove that extra weight off my shoulders and gives me relief from the pain I've been through! Thank you writco for helping me help myself.