

The first days of January
are accompanied by
incessant rain falling,
veiling the scenery outside
with mistiness,
Chilly winds blow &
the sun hides behind the clouds,
casting a feeling of
bleakness in the air.

What a start to the year,
yet I'm undeterred.

January, to me,
signifies iterum - a "reset",
leaving the past behind
to start all over,
That's what I would do -
to start afresh.

I have always felt the need
to prove myself,
as I always feel I fall
short of expectations.
Those around me are
leagues above,
I often feel like I'm residing
in their shadows.
It's exhausting trying
to match up,
Frustrations often colour
my path.

I want to stop feeling the
need to measure up,
I refuse to be a puppet to
perceived expectations anymore.

I want to start anew, as myself.
I hope to shine in my own way.

is where I start afresh.

© 300roses