

Whether you're a flower or a cat
Whether you’re a flower or a cat I’ll be thinking of you from that place where I unwillingly left and which is occasionally fragmented to reveal traces of a past so diffuse that it already seems to be a different life, a being without being and a living without fully living. That’s why the gaps of life or the very silkiness of breeze remind me that I’ve already made my decision, categorically and decisively, in an intense perilous way and, in fact, I think it happened yesterday. Said decision is to fill up the future of memories even when life finds itself incomplete of scents; I’ll fill up the soul with life even when future lacks you, and I’ll ask the moon to inspire you to achieve all your dreams. If you couldn’t be, at least try becoming a version of yourself which will get very far with all the strength of your own being, be it as a cat or a flower, your own inspiration.