

night an day intertwine to reconsider impurities each time. place of limits exist between the deepest dark and the most shallow light. bleakness of knowledge is beginning to surface in the world and need to be addressed. flattening dead ends to create the space that's needed to expand boundaries of the unknown. propellers that cause movement are inviting and attainable, just remember that sometimes the propellers need shut off an refurbished. constant realizations of self prepare for the final intentions that one originally set out to achieve in the first place. doubling up on restrictions and balance is like staying steps ahead of expectations, so when your underestimated you can exhalt yourself even further and have control in your own placement. kindness that isn't loyal is also love. definitions of bold and blunt circle closely in proximity. pleasant condonings create stipulations if you take the time to realize it, an thereafter either act upon or build willpower and move along, either way both need realized first before anything can prosper or something new come about. golden is the heart an wild is the compassion let go of expectations and you can more easily guard what is sacred . the outcome of you is your responsibility whether you was pre conditioned to the exact opposite of what is normal, in the end NOBODY is a victim nor can they claim this as a means of excuse. don't allow fort like safety nets keep you confined because it was built to provide a sense of protection not to actually protect outsiders can see you even if u can't see them and chances are they have built there own temporary forts an know how weak it actually is when an attack comes. almost in a way keeping yoself in the dark and blinding your own path jus to create a sense of safety, musnt you forget jus how easily this can be destroyed. don't get caught up lackin, the blind man wants to see what the others do yet he has no choice , so improve other areas like feelings or hearing so you can overcome or get through what u may not be able to without extra attention to certain abilitys, stay woke......misinterpretations that halt thoughts of prosperity is like reading a book filled with facts yet still believing what isn't truth to appease underinformed emotion.....example PRIDE. basing action off of assumptions is in my eyes after realization that the assumptions are not right is weak lazy an I'll say you are scared of expansion if you won't even hear me out because nine times outta ten when you are assuming you are speculating on someone else. feirce levels of attonement that periodically direct one to reflect reframe and reapproach need to be noticed with little thought of perfection, so we are satisfied with even a little improvement and self criticism is key also here if you can shut yourself down I guess you don't wish to achieve but if you can be real honest wit yoself deep you are creating space for your truest desires to play out. generations of intense categorizations to keep one at least near what's expected of thee have been shook an new perspectives have allowed broadened horizons that sat comfortably stagnant for quite some time waiting for someone brave an curious.
© thatsonmebaby