

The Rain
She doesn't understand why she can never fit in,
Why is she the color of the rain?

Why is it so easy for them to breathe while she's suffocating?
Why do they seem so full of life,
While she's so empty?
Why is everything as cold as the rain?

Why can't she break free of this prison,
This heart of hers with no key yet so many locks?
Can she see the many colors of the sky,
Can she at all?

Does she feel love and the tickling laughter,
Does she feel anything anymore?
Why is she as gray as the rain?
How would she survive a colorful day?

Where is the sun to soak up the tears that rained upon the ground?
Why do the tears keep falling?
Will she drown and be swept away
by the tide?

The salty pain burning in her throat,
The cold rain on her skin,
Wind crashing through her hair,
Will she ever know anything but the rain?

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