

Shut up
For those who comment and suggest.
And for those who said including the rest.
About how i live and what i received.
Shut up cause you might not be relieved.

For those whose eyes that me is seeing.
I suggest don't open your eyes darling.
For those whose mouth is always open.
Close it cause you might see blood all of a sudden.

For those who've said that my face ain't pretty.
At least i don't have a face that looks like pity.
For those who said that i must do this thing.
Shut up cause i know what i'm doing darling.

For those who said that i am not the best.
Please quit cause now i'm in rest.
For those who comment that i'm afraid.
Just wait cause i'm preparing to raid.

For those who've said that i am not sexy.
Cause my body hasn't been touched by everybody.
For those who've said that i am fat and chubby.
Cause eating is my hubby not judging somebody.

For those who are angry seeing me everyday.
Just don't look at me cause i am busy.
For those who are always watching my step.
Stop it cause i don't have any tips for me to give.

What can you get for doing that thing?
Have your eyes not feeling tired of guarding?
What can you get if you always see me?
Is there any guarantee to always watch me?

What does it feel like judging others lives?
What kind of feeling, does it feel you hype?
Does it feel good when shutting others down?
Does it feel nice knowing others around?

You know it's my life so please Shut Up.
You're just wasting your time doing the rap.
Don't waste your saliva speaking my name.
Cause my name is not lyrics in a hymn.

Shut up your mouth and Shut up your eyes.
Cause your face doesn't look nice.
Close your mouth and stop whispering.
Cause your voice ain't beautiful in ears hearing.
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