

Life is ample of up-downs,
Life is a ambivalence
Ample of prosperity,
Ample of darkness,
Sometimes you languish,
Sometimes you surge,
Eternity is trickling,
Eternity donot halt for everyone,
Dwell every moment of vitality,
Everyone accomplishes a misstep,
Comprehend from oversights,
Let go of the yore,
Render the existing generously,
Discover trivial prosperity,
Later you will recollect every eternity,
Donot know what destiny wields?
Donot know what will transpire forthwith and furthermore?
Vitality is unpredictable,
Just live every moment,
Later you donot regret,
Eliminate toxicity from your spirit,
Be robust to face everything,
Value folk those who virtue you,
Be sure to discern between phony and genuine,
Be sure to discern tenderness and lust,
You may have numerous routes to seize,
Prefer one wisely,
Oversee vitality without remorses,
Grudge and hatred destroy folk,
Donot let ego curb your existence,
One day everyone will perish,
One day you will expire,
Life is speculative!
- Aira

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